Welcome to my homepage!

I am currently working as Senior Data Scientist at Capgemini Engineering working in the field of Life Sciences. I do research and help client companies in building data-driven solutions. I am currently focussing on use of quantum computing and machine learning to accelerate the developments in energy (battery material discovery) and aerospace sector.

Previously I worked as a Data Scientist and Scientific Software Developer at the Image and Data Analysis Facility at German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). At DZNE, I used state of the art computer vision and machine learning tools to understand the factors leading to neurodegenerative diseases. We collaborated with several large pharmaseuticals for testing ex-vivo models for drug development.

Before that I worked as a research staff at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg at the International Center for Sustainable Development working on realistic traffic flow modelling as well as use of machine learning optimization methods for smart-city infrastructure planning.

Before that I worked at Research Center CAESAR in the Department of Behaviour and Brain Organization primarily working on building mathematical models for pupil-tracking of freely-moving animals. These models help us construct an accurate representation of the external world from animal’s eye persective.

Prior to that I studied theoretical physics in the Gravitation and Relativity group with Prof. Dr. Claus Kiefer where I investigated emergent paradigms of gravity specifically focussing on the thermodynamic perspective to gravity as one of the viable candidates for the quantum theory of gravity.

In my free time, I construct simulation-based experiments that falls under the umbrella term Artificial Life. You will find these projects while browsing through the contents of this webpage. These pages are intended primarily to organize my research and to provide an overview for those interested in my work.

Thank you for dropping by!