Markdown Typography

Markdown is a light-weight and easy to use syntax for styling all forms and writing on github platform. With Markdown, it is easy to control the display of the document. In the following sections, we’ll have a look at how basic styling and type-setting is done in Markdown format. One can easily insert html code in Markdown in order to render more sophisticated code. The Markdown files have extension .md or .markdown.


Inserting local image

![Img-Text](/path/to/img.svg){:height="50%" width="50%"}

Inserting image from URLs

![Img-Text](https://address/to/img.png){:height="40%" width="40%"}

Inserting URLs

Similar way external urls can be inserted like this.



 # This is a <h1> tag.
 ## This is a <h2> tag.
 <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6> have the same style.


Insert your text between two double asterisks to make it bold.

Insert your text between underscores to make it italic.

This is a blockquote

Unordered list

  • list 1
  • list 2
  • list 3
  • list 4

Ordered list

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four